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Awesome work guys! I really dig the atmosphere and the art style.


Thats game is amazing! Awesome arts, interesting story, funny speech, wonderful music and sound effects and really fun main character! Just brilliant job, please continue working on this game, can't wait for full finished version!

Thanks for the nice comment, we're glad you like the game!! :)


Nice game. Good job!


It took me so long too do this I suck at this


I adore this...


Whodunnit... Who cares? The characters are lazy monsters, but often WE are those lazy monsters. Short but hilarious game! 


Love the style and concept but the title made it sound like a detective murder mystery thing.


I would love to see more games in this style from you guys :D


lovely syle reminds me of toe jam and earl.

Extremely well-made.

Thank you!! Glad you liked it!

WHAT HAVE INSIDE THE Door in dolores room


The cookie guy and she "doing things"

What a fantastic game. Everything about it gives me good vibes. Full length / sequel?

yo i liked that but who was the murder is my questin lol

Loving the retro vibes and characters. Enjoying.


Je suis étudiant de traduction à l'Université de Grenade en Espagne. Je voudrais vous proposer la possibilité que notre group d'élèves de dernière année de la licence en traduction traduisent en espagnol votre jeux vidéo. Ce serait dans le cadre d'un projet fin d'études dont le but est de simuler les conditions d'une commande de traduction authentique d'un jeux vidéo. Comme c'est un travail bénévole, nous choisissons des jeux vidéos gratuits. C'est pour cette raison que je crois que votre jeux Game Over Quest serait parfait pour ce projet. 

J'espère que ce projet vous intéresse, et si c'est le cas, les étudiants pourraient s'y mettre immédiatement. La seule condition serait de nommer nous traducteurs.

Salutations cordiales,

Álvaro Rey López


 Nice, nice;) 

I love oldschool adventure games.


that was very nice little game. good job


Like a modern Monkey's Island


A really funny game. We enjoyed it very much. The graphics style is just great.

Here is a short video we made while playing:

Keep up the good work!!!

Cool votre jeu ! Le jeu est un peu trop simple mais l'univers est marrant, les sprites sont super classe, franchement bien joué ! Spécial dédicace au chien dans l'appart des chiens extraterrestres !


Gave it a go...


Hello! I loved our game, it was funny, charming and just a delight to play! It also had a unique little story and was a nice simple puzzle game! I made a let's play of it here-

Great game! I would totally buy a full version of it if it ever comes out on steam. (and its on mac)

Love the art, really cute. Maybe I'll buy it. Don't you think about putting this game on Steam?


Love the art, really cute. Maybe I'll buy it. Don't you think about putting this game on Steam?


Enjoyed playing this game. Did a video for it on my YouTube Channel.

Instant follow, wanna see more of this grumpiness :D


Great game! Loved the art and the humor, great adventure as old ones ^^


Lovely game!


What a great game! Liked the punchline too.


Great point'n'click! Incredible that this has been done just 48h... with your own game maker tool. It's really awesome!


Great job! A game dosed with good humor, interesting characters, nice atmosphere and DISTRIIITUUUBE. Also murder, but who cares?


It was short, funny, and interesting. I loved how the main character Dowie could care less about who murdered the janitor, he just wants his distritube fixed. His personality along with the character designs of the npcs is what drew me into this game.


WOW, that was awsome :D.

(1 edit)

I really liked this, though it was a bit too short, even for a game like this. Hope you guys expand on this at some point.


Very tight little point and click, loving the art style and animations. Liking your humour as well- including what I think was a Frontier Psychiatrist reference? Either way a great little game.


Haha, I wrote the "crazy in the coconut" bit and it definitely comes from Frontier Psychiatrist, now that you mention it :D. Glad you liked the game!


Well done, Sparklin. I'd definitely pay a couple of bucks to play something like this as a full product. I will be on the lookout for more of your stuff!

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice job guys, great atmosphere and great design ! Also the dialogs are funs !


A very interesting take on a murder mystery. I'm sooo glad I found out what killed the Distritube!


A nice mystery game with fun characters and a cool atmosphere! If you like games with their own unique personality, it's definitely worth playing.

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101th post

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Lmfao my dumbass 3 years ago said 101th😭😭

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and i replied to a 126 days ago reply

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